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  1. About Frogwares Games
  2. Games We Have Developed Since 2000
  3. Games Under Development

About Frogwares Games

Created in 2000, Frogwares is an independent development studio specialized in adventure video games. Thanks to a talented team of 60+ artistes and programmers, we release quality games to please adventure fans. We have alternated the production of games based upon inquiry and discovery, with high licenses like Sherlock Holmes and Jules Verne. The graphic quality, the technical innovation and the incredible ability to create environments and atmospheres are the spearheads of our titles.

Games We Have Developed Since 2000

  • Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper (2009)
  • Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened Remastered (2008)
  • Dracula: Origin (2008)
  • Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Sherlock Holmes versus Arsene Lupin (2007)
  • Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened (2007)
  • 80 Days (2005)
  • Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Secret of The Silver Earring / The Case of the Silver Earring (2004)
  • Journey to the Center of the Earth (2003)
  • Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Mummy (2002)
  • Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper on XBOX360
  • Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Mummy on DS Console
Encouraged by ours success, we are now moving to platform diversification by adapting our games to other operating systems. Of course, we will continue creating new cases with Sherlock Holmes on PC and developing the world of adventure!

Games Under Development

  • Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Testament of Sherlock
  • Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Secret of The Silver Earring on DS Console
  • Sherlock Holmes on WII


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