
213 篇 創作
1 GP【沉默之丘】全系列歌曲中文翻譯

沉默之丘3 You're Not Here Letter - From The Lost Days I Want Love Hometown 沉默之丘4 Tender Sugar Cradle of Forest Your Rain Room Of Angel Waiting For You 沉默之...繼續閱讀

0 GP【沉默之丘:起源】《Hole in the Sky》歌詞中文翻譯

《Hole in the Sky》《空中的洞》Oh yeah, I've been here before對了,我之前來過這裡I can see it with eyes closed我閉著眼睛都能看見Shadows that look like blood似血的黑影Dead as far as t...繼續閱讀

0 GP【沉默之丘:起源】《Blow Back》歌詞中文翻譯

《Blow Back》《反彈》Daylight日光Dark light夜光Blinds me使我看不清Am I fading in light?我是不是逐漸隱沒在光中?I can see through the fear, nice try我可以看穿恐懼,想得美Just a matter of ti...繼續閱讀

0 GP【沉默之丘:破碎的記憶】《Always On My Mind》歌詞中文翻譯

遊戲演出片段:《Always On My Mind》《一直在我心頭上》Maybe I didn't love you也許我沒有Quite as often as I could have盡我所能常常愛你And maybe I didn't treat you也許我也沒有Quite as good a...繼續閱讀

1 GP【沉默之丘:回憶之書】《Now We're Free》歌詞中文翻譯

《Now We're Free》《現在我們解脫了》I have these pages torn我撕毀了這些紙頁And crumbled on the floor碎屑散落在地板上When we were younger then當我們比較年輕的時候I have a heavy heart我有一顆沉重...繼續閱讀

0 GP【沉默之丘3】《Hometown》歌詞中文翻譯

現場演唱:《Hometown》《家鄉小鎮》He spoke of tortured souls他提到受盡折磨的靈魂So outrageous the toll代價如此慘烈You can lose all you have你可能會失去所有He refused to give in to the tow...繼續閱讀

0 GP【沉默之丘:歸鄉】《This Sacred Line》歌詞中文翻譯

《This Sacred Line》《這條神聖界線》Is it me this time?這次是我嗎?Am I too far?我太過火了嗎?Did I cross that line?我越過那條線了嗎?Getting hard to tell越來越難以分辨Different day and ano...繼續閱讀

1 GP【沉默之丘:起源】《O.R.T.》歌詞中文翻譯

《O.R.T.》Is it lonely where you are你在那裡面In there, Dad?寂寞嗎,爸?Does the darkness know your name?黑暗知道你的名字嗎?Does Mom?媽知道嗎?What's it like?感覺怎麼樣?Can you feel?...繼續閱讀

1 GP【沉默之丘:破碎的記憶】《When You’re Gone》歌詞中文翻譯

《When You’re Gone》《你離開之時》Did I wait too long?我是否等了太久?Moments gone時機消失They're now wasted現已枉然Coming back to home返回家中It feels wrong感覺不對勁Changes haunt me變...繼續閱讀

0 GP【沉默之丘:破碎的記憶】《Acceptance》歌詞中文翻譯

《Acceptance》《接受》Time flows時光飛逝Nobody knows無人知曉The years go by多少年過去Where we go我們獨自從這裡出發Alone from here要前往何方Night falls夜幕降臨Strange-colored walls奇怪顏色的牆壁M...繼續閱讀

2 GP【沉默之丘:起源】《Shot Down In Flames》歌詞中文翻譯

《Shot Down In Flames》《擊落焰中》Swear at the walls對牆咒罵They make fun of me他們取笑我Day after day日復一日Eyes that follow me目光跟著我Is it you again?又是你嗎?Can this be the...繼續閱讀

0 GP【沉默之丘:歸鄉】《Elle Theme》歌詞中文翻譯

《Elle Theme》Where have you been?你去了哪裡?You are a different man你整個人不一樣了You disappeared你消失無蹤And just like that, you're here就如同那般,你在這裡So did your time awa...繼續閱讀

1 GP【沉默之丘3】《Letter - from the Lost Days》歌詞中文翻譯

演唱會:《Letter - from the Lost Days》《信--寄自逝去的日子》A letter to my future self給未來我自己的一封信"Am I still happy?", I began「我依然快樂嗎?」,我開始動筆Have I grown up pretty?我長大...繼續閱讀

3 GP【沉默之丘:破碎的記憶】《Hell Frozen Rain》歌詞中文翻譯

《Hell Frozen Rain》《地獄極凍之雨》In your mind's eye在你心目中Lives a memory hard to find住著一段很難發現的記憶Blinded by sorrow被悲傷蒙蔽And her cold voice sings a melody而她的冰冷嗓音唱...繼續閱讀

0 GP【沉默之丘4】《Cradle Of Forest》歌詞中文翻譯

Mary Elizabeth McGlynn 翻唱演出:《Cradle Of Forest》《森林搖籃》There deep那裡深處Deep in the forest night夜晚森林深處Children dance the waltz孩子們跳著華爾茲They laugh他們歡笑Whisperi...繼續閱讀

1 GP【沉默之丘:歸鄉】《One More Soul to the Call》歌詞中文翻譯

《沉默之丘:歸鄉》遊戲開頭影片:《One More Soul to the Call》《又一個靈魂報到》Enough with lies謊言說夠了Tell me one more time再告訴我一次My blood, your line我的血,你的緣Is this you inside?裡面的是你...繼續閱讀

3 GP【沉默之丘4】《Tender Sugar》歌詞中文翻譯

《Tender Sugar》《溫柔蜜糖》I run, I fall, what ripped away, check my body我奔跑,我跌倒,什麼被扯掉了,檢查我的身體Was it body or soul是身體還是靈魂The darkness fades, fades to the ligh...繼續閱讀

1 GP【沉默之丘3】《I Want Love》歌詞中文翻譯

《I Want Love》《我想要愛》I want a cup that overflows with love 我想要滿溢一杯的愛Although it's not enough to fill my heart即使它不足以填滿我的心 I want a barrel full of love我想要...繼續閱讀

0 GP【沉默之丘:歸鄉】《Alex Theme》歌詞中文翻譯

《Alex Theme》It started long before me, I never saw it coming在我很早以前就已開始,我始終沒有料到The distance, the promise, a state of isolation距離、承諾、孤立狀態And in my darke...繼續閱讀

3 GP【沉默之丘4】《Waiting For You》歌詞中文翻譯

現場演唱:《Waiting For You》《等著你》Your gentle voice I hear我聽見你溫柔的聲音Your words echo inside me你的話語在我心中迴盪You said You long for me你說你想要我And, you love me還有,你愛我And...繼續閱讀


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