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Remedy Entertainment 旗下驚悚動作遊戲重製版《心靈殺手重製版(Alan Wake Remastered)》已正式上市。 《心靈殺手》是 Remedy Entertainment 製作、2010 年由微軟在 Xbox 360 上獨佔發行的驚悚動作遊戲。故事敘述暢銷恐怖小說作家艾倫・韋克(Alan Wake)為了尋找寫作靈感而偕同妻子前往華盛頓州小鎮度假,但妻子卻神秘失蹤,自己還被捲入一連串超自然恐怖事件中,昔日自己筆下的恐怖情節化為現實逐一襲來……。 本次推出的《心靈殺手重製版》由 Remedy Entertainment ...繼續閱讀
InterviewsThe following interviews with various citizens of Bright Falls were conducted by Agent Nightingale over the course of three or four days. Nightingale recorded each of the...繼續閱讀
Day Three, Practically FourCan't go on like this. Daylight is harsh when there's no sleep.不能在這樣繼續下去了。這幾天都沒睡,連白天的太陽都讓...繼續閱讀
When Nightingale refers to "our boy," it can only be assumed he means Alan Wake. What is not clear is why Nightingale is so afraid of what Wake might do. Although Wake ha...繼續閱讀
When I talk to Sheriff Breaker later, she revealed a different point of view than the one Agent Nightingale expresses here. She believed their relationship was cordial and cooperat...繼續閱讀
A Friend in Need 25 需要幫忙的朋友 Special 1: Find someone to help you. 找到幫助你的某人 A Friend Indeed 50 真正的朋友 Special 1: Follow the signal to i...繼續閱讀
本作從開始的圖片文字就有劇透, 在意者請自行離開REMEDY(樂美迪)這家芬蘭工作室自從江湖本色和子彈時間驚豔世人後,即便後續命運坎坷卻沒放棄自身堅持...繼續閱讀
提起芬蘭開發商Remedy的名字,也算是頗有名氣的一個了,即便一路走來他們的遊戲大多叫好不叫座。從最早的MAX PAYNE開始,再到後續的心靈殺手、量...繼續閱讀