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《心靈殺手(Alan Wake)》研發商 Remedy Entertainment 今日發表聲明表示,《心靈殺手》的出版權回歸到 Remedy 手中,原本《心靈殺手》的出版權是在微軟手中。 目前正專注於研發《控制 CONTROL》的 Remedy Entertainment 在聲明中指出,過往上市的遊戲在今年獲得了約 250 萬歐元的相關收入,而《心靈殺手》的出版權則回歸到 Remedy 手中。 根據歐洲遊戲媒體 Eurogamer 報導,Remedy Entertainment 表示,在 Remedy 拿回《心靈殺手》的遊戲出版權利後,他們如果願意的話,可以將《心靈殺...繼續閱讀
Day Three, Practically FourCan't go on like this. Daylight is harsh when there's no sleep.不能在這樣繼續下去了。這幾天都沒睡,連白天的太陽都讓...繼續閱讀
It is difficult to break through Nightingale's tough law enforcement facade at times, even when hi's writing his inner thoughts, but reading between the lines may be illu...繼續閱讀
When Nightingale refers to "our boy," it can only be assumed he means Alan Wake. What is not clear is why Nightingale is so afraid of what Wake might do. Although Wake ha...繼續閱讀
DAY ONE (NIGHT)Exhausted. missed the turn off. Took 2 hours longer than planned. Trees are pretty, but hell, they all look alike. This place really is in the middle of nowhere. And...繼續閱讀
A Friend in Need 25 需要幫忙的朋友 Special 1: Find someone to help you. 找到幫助你的某人 A Friend Indeed 50 真正的朋友 Special 1: Follow the signal to i...繼續閱讀
《萬聖夜》2024 廣泛來說當今的萬聖夜活動可以說是一場變裝派對,從起初的裝扮死靈邪魅,到如今可以說裝扮應有盡有,從職業到明星,角色與意象化的形象,打...繼續閱讀
Remedy今日於官方網站宣布,《心靈殺手 2》在去年12月底突破百萬,而到了2月初銷售量累積130萬套,是該公司迄今銷售速度最快的遊戲。此外公司也提...繼續閱讀