夢幻水族館 DS

Fantasy Aquarium by DS

  • 主機平台:DS
  • 遊戲類型:其他
  • 首發地區:不明
  • 首發日期:不明
  • 台灣發售:2008年3月預定
  • 遊戲售價:不明
  • 遊戲人數:1人
  • 作品分級:不明




近期編輯: evetu ...看更多

Create a fish tank the likes of which has never been seen before! Let you imagination run wild as you build a home for some the greatest creatures of the ocean. Fantasy Aquarium by DS allows you to keep huge, wild marine creatures such as Killer whales, Dolphins, Penguins, Platypuses and Sea Turtles as pets.
The player controls every aspect of the creatures’ habitat and must maintain the creatures well-being through feeding them plenty. If the animals are looked after well they might even start to breed!
Using the Nintendo DS’ Wi-Fi system the player can connect with friends aquariums to allow their pets to explore other aquariums. And it is even possible for creatures from Aquarium by DS and Fantasy Aquarium by DS to explore each others aquaiums.


我要成為發表《夢幻水族館 DS》第一篇創作的勇者!



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