遊戲名稱 : 地獄神龍 2 / 龍與地下城 - 暗黑祕影
遊戲公司 : CAPCOM
遊戲年份 : 1996
地獄神龍續作. 承襲一代系統 遊戲主角增加到6人 分別為 劍士. 妖精. 教士. 矮人. 法師等等..
遊戲一樣最多支援到4位玩家. 隨著遊戲進行.可累計道具或技能 (依個人喜愛職業而定)也就
是除了基本的攻擊外. 還可有多種技能攻擊.如劍士係獲魔法係等. 途中打倒小兵 或寶箱. 可以
隨機出現道具或物品. 累積數量遇危險或較大型摩物(BOSS) 可以善加利用 . 此款遊戲在動作類
史上堪稱完美兩個字. 就連最小的魔物 無論動作.或打擊 都做的相當好 讓玩家能完全融入劇情
一致推薦的懷舊經典 ~~~~
After defeating the Arch Lich Deimos, the heroes continued on their journey through the Broken Lands of Glantri after realising that Deimos is only part of a greater evil plan, and he was in fact being used by a mysterious sorceress named Synn. Synn, who appears to be a young woman but commands incredibly powerful magical abilities, has been scheming to control the Kingdom of Glantri and conquer the humanoids of the Republic of Darokin. But now that Deimos has been defeated, Synn vowed to punish the land that she desired for.
It is only at the game's end does the player discover that Synn is in fact a centuries-old red dragon, bent on harnessing the mystical forces of the lands she's conquered, in order to awaken a creature of even more devastating physical prowess than herself - known and described only as "The Fiend".