A Reckless Disregard for Gravity


AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!!A Reckless Disregard for Gravity

  • 主機平台:PC 單機
  • 遊戲類型:動作
  • 首發地區:不明
  • 首發日期:不明
  • 台灣發售:2009-09-03
  • 遊戲售價:¥ 14.99
  • 遊戲人數:1人
  • 作品分級:不明



近期編輯: crosssengokuyesmotpl8527 ...看更多

  The Dejobaan Games Website announces AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! A Reckless Disregard for Gravity, the imaginative title for this game centered around the extreme sport of base jumping.
  This game from the folks who brought us The Wonderful End of the World, called Aaaaa! for short, is planned for release in the third quarter of this year for Windows.
  The site offers a press release announcing the game, some screenshots, and three videos showing off the action from an alpha version. Here's the concept: "You dive off a skyscraper, relying on quick reflexes to negotiate the intricate tangle of girders that make up the City. You perform aerial stunts at terminal velocity before parachuting into the arms of your cheering fans. While other skydivers have it easy, you have to earn the adoration of the crowds by gliding within an eyelash of that glass super skyscraper at 70 miles per hour."


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