Xenus 2:White Gold

Xenus 2:White Gold

  • 主機平台:PC 單機
  • 遊戲類型:射擊
  • 首發地區:不明
  • 首發日期:不明
  • 台灣發售:2008-04-17
  • 遊戲售價:不明
  • 遊戲人數:1人
  • 作品分級:ESRB T



近期編輯: sendak ...看更多

Our hero will be able to try a dozen of various weapons against his enemies, from pistols to grenade launchers, most of modern and popular models in few words. Moreover, it will be possible to tune your weapon through the game using various upgrades. We`re trying to focus on usability of available weapon set, instead of strict expansion of their totall quantity. We can assure you that present arsenal will please most of weapon preferences from combat knifes to armored tanks and assault choppers.

Minimum system requirements:
System: Windows 2000 SP4, Windows XP SP2 32/64 bit, Windows Vista 32/64 bit
Processor: Athlon 3000 or equivalent
Memory: 1 GB
Video card: GeForce 6600GS 128MB or similar
Audio: DirectX compatible
Hard disk: 5 GB

Recomended system requirements:
System: Windows 2000 SP4, Windows XP SP2 32/64 bit, Windows Vista 32/64 bit
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4G (E6600)
Memory: 2 GB
Video card: GeForce 8800Gt 512MB or similar
Audio: DirectX compatible
Hard disk: 5 GB


58 GP [達人專欄] Xenus 2:White Gold(白金天堂)

Xenus 2:White Gold(白金天堂)是款英文 第一人稱 角色伴演遊戲。這片也有出XBOX 。大家安安又有新奇圖給大家看了。Xenus 2:...繼續閱讀


1~5 星各自代表 1~5 分,將分數加總後除以總評價人數即為總平均分數。

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。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

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