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  1. About Gearbox Software

About Gearbox Software

Gearbox Software is an award-winning independent developer of interactive entertainment based in Plano, Texas.
Founded in February 1999 by game industry veterans, Gearbox quickly distinguished itself as a respected and recognized developer with the success of the company's debut title, Half-Life: Opposing Force. The company has since worked with such prominent franchises as Halo, Aliens, Tony Hawk, James Bond, and Samba de Amigo, and has also created successful new franchises with Brothers in Arms and Borderlands.
Gearbox is committed to creating games that are technologically advanced, creative, and above all, fun to play. We employ the industry's most talented people and use proven production methods to create best selling games for all major platforms.


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。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

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