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  1. About Us

About Us

The business object of The Farm 51 Group SA is creation of video games for the PC, stationary consoles (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3) and mobile devices. The team was formed in 2005 by experts from the game and media industries, and ever since, it has been focusing on developing advanced 3D action games - the most prestigeous and demanding group of products among video games.
Since its inception, The Farm 51 has had a series of spectacular successes, developing original franchises (Necrovision and Necrovision: Lost Company, which have been well-received by both foreign and domestic press). The company also collaborated with other developer studios, creating high-quality graphics assets, levels and other gameplay elements. Two Worlds II of the Cracow-based studio Reality Pump is an excellent example of such successful cooperation - The Farm 51's work for this title included high-quality cinematic sequences, special effects and several multiplayer levels. Two Worlds II has become a worldwide hit.
Thanks to such spectacular achievements the comapny can continue to develop dynamically, deploying products of the highest, world class. Currently The Farm 51 has two offices, based in Gliwice and Katowice, employing high-profile experts.  In order to achieve a world-class immersion level, modern animation techniques are in use (i.e. motion capture), as well as industry-established game development tools. Currently the production team is deployed on two AAA-class projects, both of them characterized by high-quality visuals and audio, an interesting storyline and polished game mechanics.


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。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

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