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          Vatra Games
    公司位於捷克 布爾諾  , 是一間專攻FPS (第一人稱射擊)及動作遊戲製作的公司, 為Kuju Entertainment.的子公司.

    Vatra Games is a video game development company, its parent company is Kuju Entertainment. Vatra is based in the city of Brno in the Czech Republic and specializes on the FPS and action genres.

        Vatra, 源自Kuju  Entertainment.的英國分公司, 當時,該公司正在募集人才成立新的工作室. 而因緣巧合下, 有幾個遊戲開發者, 又剛離開2K Czech公司(專門研發FPS & 第三人稱射擊遊戲, 位於捷克 布爾諾)於是, 這幾個人決定加入Vatra, 開發新遊戲, 並就近於捷克 布爾諾成立新工作室 名稱就叫作"Vatra Games"
    Vatra originated when the British company, Kuju Entertainment were looking for developers to make a new studio, at the same time, several developers from 2K Czech were retiring, these developers decided to work with Vatra and set up a new studio, which became 'Vatra Games'.

    Vatra Games 公司目前作品有
    1. 綠色兵團:前愛國者  (Rush'n Attack: Ex-Patriot )
    2. 沉默之丘: 驟雨  (Silent  Hill: Downpour

