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微軟在 12 月 10 日由 Spike TV 舉辦的「2011 年電玩遊戲大獎(Video Game Awards 2011)」中,正式發表將推出 Xbox 360 驚悚動作遊戲《心靈殺手》系列新作 Xbox LIVE Arcade 下載遊戲《心靈殺手:艾倫‧韋克的美國夢魘(Alan Wake's American Nightmare)》。 《心靈殺手:艾倫‧韋克的美國夢魘》是 2010 年 5 月推出的《心靈殺手》的續篇新作,由原製作團隊 Remedy 開發。遊戲中玩家將再次扮演失意小說家艾倫‧韋克(Alan Wake),在現實與夢境交錯的虛幻世界中,以光線與槍砲對抗潛藏於內心的空殼先生(Mr...繼續閱讀
InterviewsThe following interviews with various citizens of Bright Falls were conducted by Agent Nightingale over the course of three or four days. Nightingale recorded each of the...繼續閱讀
Day Three, Practically FourCan't go on like this. Daylight is harsh when there's no sleep.不能在這樣繼續下去了。這幾天都沒睡,連白天的太陽都讓...繼續閱讀
Day ThreeNoises last night. Some damn animals. Went out again, got lost again. God damn trees.第三天那個吵雜聲整晚吵不停。那些該死的野性動物。今天出門...繼續閱讀
Day TwoJohnny law turns out to be Janie law. Sheriff Breaker comes from cop family. Knows diddlysquat usually hostility to feds. Don't know whether to use honey or salt on thi...繼續閱讀
DAY ONE (NIGHT)Exhausted. missed the turn off. Took 2 hours longer than planned. Trees are pretty, but hell, they all look alike. This place really is in the middle of nowhere. And...繼續閱讀
雖然這篇也是轉來的,但我覺得寫得更有信服力,也讓許多謎團有了更合理的解釋,分享給各位囉~ 原文出處:它不是湖,它是海洋 —...繼續閱讀
阿倫你到底醒了沒 (沒有 欠揍)沒錯阿倫又出現了這次除了有黑影以外 還有 蜘蛛怪 分身怪(被手電筒照到後) 大塊頭創造這些麻煩角色正是阿倫另外一個分身...繼續閱讀