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以驚悚劇情為故事背景,融合戰鬥系統以及光影特效的恐怖動作遊戲 Alan Wake 系列最新作品《心靈殺手:魘長夢多( Alan Wake's American Nightmare)》,在台由英特衛代理,即日於英特衛官網等處全面上市。 【以下內容為廠商提供資料原文】 只要是史蒂芬金的粉絲,就一定會愛上這段駭人聽聞的冒險!以驚悚劇情取勝,戰鬥系統融合獨特光影特效的恐怖動作遊戲,Alan Wake 系列最新作《心靈殺手:魘長夢多 Alan Wake's American Nightmare》,在台由英特衛代理,即日於英特衛官網、各大遊戲網站與電玩賣場等處全面上市。...繼續閱讀
Day Three(Night)Scanner picked up confused distress call response. Domestic violence, or burglary, or vandalism, or kidnapping. Deputy dawg can't decide. Little Janie law'...繼續閱讀
Day Two(Afternoon)How to get to our boy before he hurts anyone. That's the million dollar question.(這句我不會翻xd,看是看的懂,但是中文…)Do these people ...繼續閱讀
When I talk to Sheriff Breaker later, she revealed a different point of view than the one Agent Nightingale expresses here. She believed their relationship was cordial and cooperat...繼續閱讀
Day TwoJohnny law turns out to be Janie law. Sheriff Breaker comes from cop family. Knows diddlysquat usually hostility to feds. Don't know whether to use honey or salt on thi...繼續閱讀
Nightingale's Field NotesThe handwritten notes found among Agent Nightingale's effects form perhaps the most telling document in the collection about his internal struggl...繼續閱讀
阿倫你到底醒了沒 (沒有 欠揍)沒錯阿倫又出現了這次除了有黑影以外 還有 蜘蛛怪 分身怪(被手電筒照到後) 大塊頭創造這些麻煩角色正是阿倫另外一個分身...繼續閱讀