Set in the near-future, Act of Aggression is an explosive techno-thriller real-time strategy game hailing from the Golden Era of RTS. With three global super-powers, there can be only one victory.
Across three distinct factions each armed with the greatest modern and prototype military weaponry, head into some of the world’s most volatile conflict zones, building bases for mass production, establishing resource supply lines, and waging war in Eugen Systems’explosive RTS.
Build and manage the cogs of war in a return to strategic base-building, resource harvesting, and dynamic tech-trees. Capture banks and enemy soldiers to generate cash income. Upgrade units with specialization and unlock new skills. Embark on an epic single player Campaign with a thrilling original story, and fight throughout the world on realistic environments. Compete online in visceral PVP battles and become the best commander!
In a world facing ever-looming global instability, will you repel or engage in an Act of Aggression?
遊戲廠商 Eugen Systems 研發、即時戰略遊戲《侵略行動(暫譯,Act of Aggression)》美國時間 9 月 2 日正式上市,今日公開上市宣傳影片。 曾研發《火線交鋒》、《R.U.S.E 心戰詭陣》等作品的 Eugen Systems 即將推出新作《侵略行動》,遊戲以 2020 年為舞台,希望帶領玩家回到即時戰略遊戲的黃金年代,遊戲結合經典的三大陣營設定,與充滿戰爭、政治陰謀與間諜攻防的故事情節;在遊戲中,主要分成具有坦克與多樣化兵種的美軍,還有結合駭客與犯罪份子的秘密組織 Cartel,以及代表聯合國、具有先進原型的 Chimera 三大陣營。 遊戲畫面 遊戲將...繼續閱讀