This is going to sound bizarre, so strap in. Gururin offers a square pit in the middle of the screen, into which tiny, vaguely medieval, vaguely Playmobil people promptly plummet. Your goal is to make three people of the same color line up and disappear--but to do that, you won't flip the people around as they fall but rather rotate the entire pit once they've landed. Like clothes in a dryer, you've got to flip the whole playfield around and try to match up the midgets as they slide down to the bottom of the screen, reorganizing themselves as they go. As the game gets harder, some of the tiny people grab hands and won't be separated, leaving you with nasty holes and difficult breaks in the puzzle. Two players can go head to head, or one player can go against computer opponents, the first handful of which include a crying insect boy, a butcher pig, a bad-ass biker fox, an academic turtle, and a drunk squirrel. Yes, really.