得分王 2 真實對戰足球

得点王2 リアルファイトフットボール

Super Sidekicks 2 : The World Championship

  • 主機平台:Xbox One
  • 遊戲類型:運動
  • 首發地區:不明
  • 首發日期:不明
  • 台灣發售:2018-05-10
  • 遊戲售價:¥ 842
  • 遊戲人數:2人
  • 作品分級:CERO A



近期編輯: tr9178 ...看更多

Published in 1994 (Japanese title: Tokuten Ou 2 - Real Fight Football), the sequel corrected most of the flaws in the original's design, including the ability to switch players' control during the game, a smaller goal, and no more long shots taken (in Super Sidekicks 1 the simple long shot was sometimes too long, leading into a throw-in situation). It increased the number of teams to 48 and divided them into 6 geographical "regions" (new teams underlined):

Europe A: Italy, England, Spain, Holland, Switzerland, Norway, Turkey, Ireland
Europe B: Germany, France, Bulgaria, Sweden, Russia, Greece, Belgium, Romania
Americas/Oceania: United States, Mexico, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras
Asia: South Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan (as Republic of China), China, Iran, Hong Kong, United Arab Emirates
South America: Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Colombia, Bolivia, Uruguay, Peru, Ecuador
Africa: Cameroon, Morocco, Nigeria, Egypt, South Africa, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Zambia

Upon starting the game, the player goes into a "Regional Qualifying Round Final" against another team from the same region. After beating it, the player's team goes into the World (Cup) Tournament, in which they are grouped with three other countries in a round-robin. After winning against all of them, the team enters an elimination tournament: the quarterfinals, semifinals, and the final for the World Cup. This type of tournament thus is more reminiscent of the real-life World Cup. If a match ends in a draw, the player has the option of replaying a full game, going to the penalty kick tiebreaker, or playing a sudden death (golden goal) game (the golden goal feature was not present in the original Super Sidekicks); however, the arcade version requires an extra credit for these options.

All subsequent Super Sidekicks games followed the same design and gameplay as Super Sidekicks 2.


0 GP 3/22 澳維超 墨爾本騎士(vs)休城


0 GP 3/14 澳大利亞甲級聯賽 西部聯(vs)墨爾本勝利


0 GP 3/12 亞冠盃 艾納斯(vs)艾阿恩


0 GP 3/6 亞冠盃 山東泰山(vs)橫濱水手


0 GP 3/5 亞冠盃 希拉爾(vs)伊蒂哈德



1~5 星各自代表 1~5 分,將分數加總後除以總評價人數即為總平均分數。

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