
75 篇 創作
4 GP【潛龍諜影崛起:再復仇】結尾曲《The War Still Rages Within》歌詞中文翻譯

《The War Still Rages Within》《內在的戰爭仍在喧囂》Looking down on the cars on the highway俯視高速公路上的車水馬龍The stream of tail lights車尾燈川流不息Everybody advancing together...繼續閱讀

1 GP【潛龍諜影崛起:再復仇】《Return to Ashes》歌詞中文翻譯

《Return to Ashes》《回歸塵土》Look to history借鑑歷史The politicians say they’re right政客自稱是對的And stoke the fire till the ash turns white並搧風點火直到灰燼發白They say survi...繼續閱讀

0 GP【潛龍諜影崛起:再復仇】《A Soul Can't Be Cut》歌詞中文翻譯

《A Soul Can't Be Cut》《靈魂無法切割》Have you ever slashed a soul to ribbons?你把靈魂削成碎片過嗎?Have you ever believed in a mirage?你相信過夢幻泡影嗎?My ears are ringing with ...繼續閱讀

1 GP【潛龍諜影崛起:再復仇】《Dark Skies》歌詞中文翻譯

《Dark Skies》《昏暗天空》A brave new world rising勇敢的新世界正在崛起I … I can’t believe my eyes我…我無法相信自己的眼睛We’ve fallen down我們倒下了We’re blinded by dark skies被昏暗天空蒙蔽了雙眼...繼續閱讀

7 GP【潛龍諜影崛起:再復仇】EXCELSUS主題曲《Collective Consciousness》歌詞中文翻譯

Metal Gear EXCELSUS Boss戰:《Collective Consciousness》《集體意識》The unenlightened masses民智未開的大眾They cannot make the judgment call他們沒辦法自行判斷Give up free will ...繼續閱讀

4 GP【潛龍諜影崛起:再復仇】落日風主題曲《Red sun》歌詞中文翻譯

落日風boss戰:《Red sun》《血紅夕陽》Red sun血紅夕陽Red sun over paradise樂園上空的血紅夕陽Red sun血紅夕陽Red sun over paradise樂園上空的血紅夕陽Golden rays of the glorious sunshine燦爛陽光的金色鋒...繼續閱讀

9 GP【潛龍諜影崛起:再復仇】激流山姆主題曲《The Only Thing I Know For Real》歌詞中文翻譯

山姆Boss最終戰:《The Only Thing I Know For Real》《我唯一真正所知》Memories broken記憶支離破碎The truth goes unspoken真相未道出口I’ve even forgotten my name就連自己姓名都已遺忘I don’t know...繼續閱讀

4 GP【潛龍諜影崛起:再復仇】坎辛風主題曲《Hot Wind Blowing》歌詞中文翻譯

坎辛風boss戰:《Hot Wind Blowing》《熱風吹拂》The hot wind blowing熱風吹拂Jagged lines across the sand橫越沙地的鋸齒線The crumbling buildings搖搖欲墜的建築In our minds are all that s...繼續閱讀

6 GP【潛龍諜影崛起:再復仇】季風主題曲《The Stains of Time》歌詞中文翻譯

季風Boss戰:《The Stains of Time》《歲月的污漬》Wash away the anger洗去怒火Here I stand beneath the warm and soothing rain我站在溫暖宜人的雨中The droplets falling gently down on...繼續閱讀

4 GP【潛龍諜影崛起:再復仇】刃狼主題曲《I'm My Own Master Now》歌詞中文翻譯

刃狼Boss戰:《I'm My Own Master Now》《現在由我自己做主》Born生於Into a pack狼群There’s no choice沒有別的選擇But take orders to attack只能聽令攻擊Locked up in chains鎖鏈綑綁I get fed受人餵養...繼續閱讀

8 GP【潛龍諜影崛起:再復仇】阿姆斯壯決戰曲《It Has To Be This Way》歌詞中文翻譯

阿姆斯壯BOSS決戰:《It Has To Be This Way》《只有這條路可走》Standing here佇立於此I realize我明白了You are just like me你就和我一樣Trying to make history想要寫下歷史But who's to judge但是非對錯...繼續閱讀

85 GP翻譯專欄:BB (Baalbuddy)-Rule 63 Solid Snake's Thicc Ass Clap alerting the guards Part 2

作者的patreon:https://www.patreon.com/user?u=10620616 作者的推特:https://twitter.com/baalbuddy 上一集:https://home.gamer.com.tw/artwork.php?sn=5546341 作品來源:https...繼續閱讀

118 GP翻譯專欄:BB (Baalbuddy)-Rule 63 Solid Snake's Thicc Ass Clap alerting the guards Part 1

作者的patreon:https://www.patreon.com/user?u=10620616 作者的推特:https://twitter.com/baalbuddy 作品來源:https://twitter.com/baalbuddy/status/1564374519766487040...繼續閱讀

7 GP潛龍諜影崛起再復仇: 一波三折,留下遺憾 (有雷)


10 GP【潛龍諜影崛起:再復仇】《Rules of Nature》歌詞中文翻譯

《Rules of Nature》《自然法則》The time has come to an end時間已來到盡頭Yeah – this is what nature planned對--這是大自然計畫好的Being tracked by a starving beast被餓壞的野獸追蹤Lookin...繼續閱讀

13 GP【潛龍諜影崛起:再復仇】密史脫拉風主題曲《A Stranger I Remain》歌詞中文翻譯

官方版 (Maniac Agenda Mix):密史脫拉風Boss戰《A Stranger I Remain》《我仍舊是個異鄉人》I’ve come here from nowhere我不知從何方冒出Across the unforgiving sea穿越無情的大海Drifting further ...繼續閱讀

1 GP伴.


32 GP[達人專欄] 潛龍諜影崛起:再復仇---無關正義,只為復仇

潛龍諜影崛起:再復仇メタルギアソリッド:ライジングMetal Gear Rising:Revengeance 主機平台:PC、PS3、Xbox360 遊戲類型:動作 發售日期:2013-02-21、2014-01-09 製作廠商:Platinum Games&Kojima Productions 發...繼續閱讀

0 GP【心得】潛龍諜影崛起:再復仇

這款遊戲蠻瘋狂~!!!網咖電腦鍵配滑鼠/勉強\還可以操控...希望資金時間能充足?? - 繼-...繼續閱讀


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