

搜尋結果:共有 158 筆資料符合

【情報】極速快感:進化世代 IGN評分公佈+中文翻譯


唯一美中不足的是生涯模式還是差一點 7.5 Lasting Appeal 耐久性 Lots of events to partake in, but the career mode won't keep you racing for hundreds of hours...繼續閱讀

【心得】18禁!! 【教父 2】 The Godfather 遊戲心得分享


intriguing and works well, but ultimately it's too easy to dominate your opponents with common sense, planning and decent aim. 7.5 Lasting Appeal...繼續閱讀

【情報】微軟公布了最後一戰3 各零售版本細節


previously revealed late last year, the three flavors of Halo 3 will be Standard, Limited and Legendary, the latter of which will appeal...繼續閱讀

【情報】蝙蝠俠Batman: Arkham Asylum IGN評分+中文翻譯


遊戲主要來說, 拳擊攻擊雖然簡單但很有趣, 另外也完全呈獻出蝙蝠俠的特色, 像從暗處攻擊和使用蝙蝠飛鏢等 9.0 Lasting Appeal 耐玩性 Beating the story and 240 riddles took me 12 hours....繼續閱讀

RE:【心得】戰地風雲 1943 遊戲介紹推廣文


satisfying sound effects. 8.0 Gameplay A streamlined multiplayer game that remains fun despite not having much new to offer. 8.5 Lasting Appeal...繼續閱讀

【情報】§ 最後的遺跡 § 遊戲媒體評語 【IGN 篇】


Lasting Appeal: There is a lot of gameplay here....繼續閱讀

【情報】忍外一些情報 (轉自p2pzone玩家obscure)


But the game wasn't made to appeal to the hardcore fans, but to introduce people to the franchise, seeing how it's much more approachable...繼續閱讀

【心得】SvR 2009 自創終結技


(Drop), 挑釁(taunt) 摔技要先用相對應的起手式並配合 舉起 落下 才有辦法放的出來 例:你要先用 Tombstone Pilddriver Clutch 01(插墓碑起手式) 才能接 Leaping Tombstone Impact (墓碑落) Appeal...繼續閱讀

快打旋風 IV 的 IGN 評價


當你多練習之後, 能對遊戲有更深入了解 9.5 Lasting Appeal 耐久度 A veritable horde of unlockables keeps single-player sessions constantly rewarding....繼續閱讀



操作可以說是很麻煩, 但當你熟悉後, 移動和戰鬥會變得很流暢 8.0 Lasting Appeal 耐久性 It’s not all that long, but there are heaps of side missions, orbs to find...繼續閱讀

【情報】轟炸超人 Ultra - IGN 評測出爐


傳統的轟炸超人遊戲系統, 很好玩 8.0 Lasting Appeal Lots of cool options should make this a multiplayer game folks will be playing for months....繼續閱讀

【攻略】EZ2ON 隱藏歌曲表


for me 17 We Luv Music Anemia With your girl Catch The Flow (Remix) Sparrow 18 Jam M-Police Move Your Body With U Girl (Remix) 19 Appeal...繼續閱讀

生化突擊隊 IGN評分出爐(後補中文翻譯)+生化蜘蛛人推廣心得文


幸運的是, 生化手臂可以用來解決大部份的敵人 7.5 Lasting Appeal 耐玩度 Tossing in challenges and collectibles is a nice touch, but the linear nature of play...繼續閱讀

【情報】IGN: Infamous(惡名昭彰) 評分出爐+中文翻譯


如果能再多一些敵人的種類和解釋遊戲咯的特技會更好 (後補充資料) 9.5 Lasting Appeal 耐玩度 It took me about 25 hours to go through both storylines, but I've put in a...繼續閱讀

【情報】《Lode Runner》 IGN 評分出爐


forgettable, but inoffensive tunes. 8.0 Gameplay Old school platforming that requires quick reflexes and quick thinking. 8.5 Lasting Appeal...繼續閱讀

【心得】『 MOTORSTORM2 - 摩托風暴2 』遊戲介紹心得文


建議遊戲可以再增加一些性質不同的玩法. 8.0 Lasting Appeal 耐久性 There are plenty of events to conquer, and the online will last you a good while....繼續閱讀

【情報】4月1日新聞-Sonjay Dutt加入ROH?Tazz離開WWE!!!(地雷)


AAA比TNA吸引更多的電視觀眾:23.3% -AAA是一家更大的聯盟:7.7% -因為AAA有Vampiro:7.2% -因為AAA說西班牙語:6.9% -因為AAA的電視節目比TNA好看:5.0% -因為面具:4.2% -AAA有更多的群眾吸引力(mass appeal...繼續閱讀

【心得】18禁!! 【教父 2】 The Godfather 遊戲心得分享


intriguing and works well, but ultimately it's too easy to dominate your opponents with common sense, planning and decent aim. 7.5 Lasting Appeal...繼續閱讀

【情報】FLOWER(花) IGN評分出爐+中文翻譯


這是我使用過最直覺性的6軸體驗, 但花的重要性大大的延長了每關要達成的目標 7.0 Lasting Appeal 耐久性 Flower is very short, but there are secrets to find that will encourage...繼續閱讀

【情報】MLB THE SHOW 09 IGN評分出爐


game a bit more realistic, it also reveals a number of problems, some of which have yet to be solved from two years ago. 8.5 Lasting Appeal...繼續閱讀