

搜尋結果:共有 1070 筆資料符合



players •被監禁的狗不再模仿隱身的玩家 •Fixed an issue that could cause a pets hit points to be reset if their strength was at its cap and the pet got...繼續閱讀

【戰報】本週RAW10月24日:Cena“Taps Out”


Viscera (never got underway) 以下為本週RAW比賽圖片: 圖1 圖2 圖3 圖4 圖5 圖6 圖7 圖8 圖9 圖10 圖11 圖12 圖13 圖14 圖15 圖16 圖17 圖18 圖19 圖20 圖21 圖22 圖23 圖24 圖...繼續閱讀

【問題】外國人會很常用俚語嗎? - 4


Got Lost - 這個不是現在式 vs. 過去式嗎? 字面上看起來如此. 不過Get Lost一般是用在俗語中叫人"走開"的意思. 而Got Lost其實比較接近字面上的意思. 像是用在I got lost上的話, 就是代表"我迷路了"....繼續閱讀

【問題】一些動詞 + to 的問題


(我碰巧在電影院坐在她旁邊) get to 是到達之意,如同 arrive, 例如:She got to the destination yesterday.(她昨日到達目的地) commit 通常不直接接to, 用法為: commit ... to ......繼續閱讀

DS2精靈城市 Aman'Lu 之背景翻譯


To help facilitate this knowledge, we've got a large bunch of info for future adventurers to peruse and discuss along with some new...繼續閱讀

星辰(>inthosa<) 歌譜


4 4 4 3 4 3 >和我一起拋開那絕望的記憶吧, 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 >和星辰一起放蕩在宇宙~中(*)(**)[反覆這兩段] 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 ~1 >總是如~此, 1 1 2 ~1 >ca’mst…got...繼續閱讀

【情報】火爆玫瑰XX製作人: 內田名理 訪談.


And we as a company got them together and we have a lot of them working on our game....繼續閱讀



samr fatemibemytat redbecome li’be inthosa(龍語:是的,我們就是漂浮在宇宙中的星辰) 過去的回憶就像一場夢, 和我一起拋開那絕望的記憶吧, 和星辰一起放蕩在宇宙中(*)(**)[反覆這兩段] 總是如此, ca’mst…got...繼續閱讀

【創作】自創 脫掉 亂之悲慘版


有搞頭一起飆 渾身上下清爽涼快 活著多美好 你知道 你想要 那樣才翹 Ha~~~ I Don't Know About You But I'm Feeling Good And If You Can Feel It Too Just Show Me What You Got...繼續閱讀



為存在於心肌 肝臟 骨骼 腎臟等器官 因此SGOT數值偏高 有代表這些部位可能有病變 SGPT(麩丙酮轉氨基脢) 這代表肝細胞受損程度 一般而言 急慢性肝炎 酒精性肝障礙 肝硬化 肝癌 會使算中SGPT濃度升高 1. 40-100 輕度上升 有肝硬化,肝癌危機 又若GOT...繼續閱讀

第五章 火車上的戰鬥(下)


Got it!」 Alice將手榴彈上的插環拔掉,將手榴彈丟向那群重犯者。 「笑一個,渾蛋!」...繼續閱讀

D A Y 6 - E V O L U T I O N


From the giant mass of slime on the Statue of Liberty, the Ultimate Being has got out of control and then sounds the first cry of his...繼續閱讀

D A Y 5 - L I B E R A T I O N-1


Eve has got some sperm from the sperm bank of Saint Francis hospital....繼續閱讀

D A Y 4 - C O N C E P T I O N


It's got to be that Melissa ! December 23, 1977 - emergency hospitalization. Operation successful....繼續閱讀

D A Y 3 - S E L E C T I O N


We've got work to do ! 丹尼爾:嘿!我們還在這裡等什麼啊?我們有工作要做呢! Aya : Daniel... thanks... 艾雅:丹尼爾…謝了… Daniel : All right !...繼續閱讀

D A Y 2 - F U S I O N


She's got no relatives and no close friends. She was sick often-always on some kind of medication....繼續閱讀

D A Y 1 - R E S O N A N C E


Actress : She probably got to Suzane...too. You'll have to stop... her... 女演員:Suzane大概也是她殺的…妳要阻止她…… Aya : No...! Please !...繼續閱讀

Cheat Code


all let us rejoice : Unlocks Bladerang Alpha : Unlocks LaserRifle Beta : Unlocks AutoLaserRifle Gamma : Unlocks LaserShotgun Ive got...繼續閱讀

【情報】新圖片 Part-IV


We got the key right away, and headed out. Second stop - the executioner key (serpent sect). This one we had trouble with....繼續閱讀

Novacula 終


………you’ve got a point there. (………確實有道理.) [……………] (…………..) So, you just die? (所以妳說,妳剛剛死去了?) [Yes.] (是的.)...繼續閱讀