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[ 名詞 ] Firefly Studios

FireFly Studios168 Lavender HillBattersea, London SW11 5TG Firefly Studios is a leading independent games developer with offices in the U.K. and U.S. ...繼續閱讀

[ 名詞 ] Pyro Studios


[ 名詞 ] Rocksteady Studios


[ 名詞 ] Stormfront Studios


[ 名詞 ] 38 Studios

38 Studios is an entertainment and IP creation company in development on a broad range of products, including online and console video games, toys, no...繼續閱讀

[ 名詞 ] Arkane Studios

At Arkane, our goals are determined by our dreams. Founded in 1999, Arkane has offices in Lyon, France and Austin, Texas. The company's first passion ...繼續閱讀

[ iOS ] 超時空 BB 蛋

《超時空 BB 蛋》 宇宙清潔隊,隊員招募中!◆快速流暢的遊戲體驗簡單直覺的三鍵操作,搭配快節奏的遊戲體驗,讓你享受刺激的動作感!◆自動射擊,光速上手怪物進入射程範圍,自動瞄準 + 射擊! 同時閃避和攻擊再也不會手忙腳亂!◆琳瑯滿目的道具和武器便宜好買的道具商店,趁火打劫的時空快遞,再買下去要剁手手...繼續閱讀