

搜尋結果:共有 1189 筆資料符合

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[ PC 單機 ] Wyv and Keep: The Temple of The Lost Idol


[ Xbox 360 ] Let's Sing and Dance


[ Wii U ] Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails


[ Xbox 360 ] Pier Solar and the Great Architects


[ DC ] Pier Solar and the Great Architects


[ MD ] Pier Solar and the Great Architects


[ PS Vita ] Pier Solar and the Great Architects


[ PS4 ] Troll and I


[ Switch ] ToeJam and Earl: Back in the Groove


[ PC 單機 ] Masquerada: Songs and Shadows

故事設定在威尼斯風格的奇幻城市 Ombre,在這裡,珍稀的面具是施放魔法的關鍵道具。遊戲將採用法國漫畫書的多彩畫風。玩家扮演 Cicero Gavar,他剛剛從一次放逐之旅回歸,現在要追查一宗綁架案,案件背後將牽扯到整座城市的基礎。同時,本作將允許玩家在戰鬥過程中隨時暫停,調整策略。 遊戲故事情節隨...繼續閱讀

[ PS4 ] ToeJam and Earl: Back in the Groove


[ Android ] Red and Blue


[ iOS ] Swag and sorcery


[ Android ] Boris and the Dark Survival


[ Android ] Panda and Dog: Anywhere Dog Cute


[ iOS ] Panda and Dog: Anywhere Dog Cute


[ Xbox One ] Crawlers And Brawlers

《Crawlers and Brawlers》是一款 8 位像素動作角色扮演遊戲。玩家可以選擇三種不同的職業,成為一名冒險家,並通過許多生成地牢進行夢幻般的旅程。收集強大的戰利品來不斷強化你的角色。...繼續閱讀

[ Xbox One ] Pushy and Pully in Blockland

幫助 Pushy 和 Pully 在穿越 Blockland 的旅程中找回他們的飛船。推動方塊來擊敗怪物,加入相同顏色的方塊來獲得力量提升,並擊敗首領來恢復破碎的飛船的零件。...繼續閱讀

[ iOS ] Angelo and Deemon


[ Android ] Iris and the Giant
