

搜尋結果:共有 15 筆資料符合

【問題】Scp 3125 系列故事


There's a sharp click as the bomb finishes its powering-up sequence. Nobody in the room can hear this but Wheeler....繼續閱讀



魔導師「フフフ、なかなかカンのするどいヤツだ……Wizard:Hehehe, aren't you a sharp guy...... 魔導師「呼呼呼、你這傢伙相當機靈呀… 魔導師「……フフフフ……ハハハハWizard:...Hahahahaha......繼續閱讀

【情報】2014.10.1 起 老玩家免費回鍋一個月活動


We have also been working with one of our talented players and created a sharp new UI for the Enhanced client.If it has been some time...繼續閱讀

空戰十則Ten of My Rules For Air Fighting


Always keep a sharp lookout. "Keep your finger out". 04.飛行高度將決定你是否能制敵機先。Height gives you the initiative. 05.一旦遭襲,立刻轉向攻擊者。...繼續閱讀

【心得】[翻譯] 一位德粉TD玩家的新德系TD線心得 - Nashorn


roughly matching the one StuG III, which is something I can confirm Marder 38T 的隱蔽值跟 StuG III 同級(SS: 無誤)- Panzer Sfl.IVc experiences a...繼續閱讀



RejuvenationHeals allies and slightly increase health regen for a few seconds.Passive Ability L1: Forceful PeckDamages a single target with a...繼續閱讀



high chance to stun enemies in range and reduces their armor by 10%.Passive Ability L1: Forceful PeckDamages a single target with a...繼續閱讀



Angry PecksDamages a single target, has a chance to reduce enemy armor by 10%.Passive Ability L1: PeckDamages a single target with a...繼續閱讀



arc halfway through the chart Brake brake, land Subtracts quadruple the speed of the current player for the whole chart, creating a...繼續閱讀

RE:【問題】Jeff Hardy出場歌曲 求詞~


【世界娛樂摔角 WWE 哈啦板】 歌名:No More Words 演唱:EndeverafteR I got a sharp stick, I keep in my pocket I speak volumes never utter a word When...繼續閱讀

快打旋風 IV 的 IGN 評價


但過場動畫是一個笑話, 必須要再加強故事性 9.0 Graphics 畫面 This is a sharp, elegant and sublimely well-animated affair....繼續閱讀

【情報】V2.4 新NPC :Angie McKenzie:安琪


fence that obstructs enemy movement and prevents them from advancing(柵欄-建設一個柵欄來阻礙怪物的行動) Spike Trap:Constructs a trap which fires a...繼續閱讀

(BM)<< 衝突危機管理原則 → FFSA >>


感覺到 > feel a sharp pain 感覺到劇痛 > feel the cold 感覺到冷 2 a. 觸摸 b. 摸摸看 3 摸索 > feel one's way in a new job 對新工作仍在摸索中 4 a....繼續閱讀

D A Y 5 - L I B E R A T I O N-1


Then it looks like he wants to give her a punishment with a sharp scalpel... 克蘭普亮出了一把銳利的手術刀,企圖要攻擊艾雅… Maeda : Aya ! Look out !...繼續閱讀

【心得】異魔中英文劇情 DAY5 (1)


Then it looks like he wants to give her a punishment with a sharp scalpel... 克蘭普亮出了一把銳利的手術刀,企圖要攻擊艾雅… Maeda : Aya ! Look out !...繼續閱讀