

搜尋結果:共有 160 筆資料符合

*每日一句英語充電站* ( 創造個人風格--5 )


【英語學習 系列 哈啦板】 2006年3月13日星期一英語充電站創造個人風格---(5/5) [b]Be confident and love yourself ; then you will be attractive no matter what you wear...繼續閱讀

Rdream my way home的歌詞


And no matter what I do or where I roam, I'll still be dreaming my way home....繼續閱讀

Ada Separate Ways 劇情翻譯 (12/11全部完成啦﹗)


No matter what happends, I can't let anyone figure that out. Ofcourse, hiding in the shadows isn't my style......繼續閱讀

RE:【其他】幻想魔伝最遊記Image AlbumVol.1 ムービック"歌詞"


alone So don't you fear Even though you're miles away I'm by your side So open up your mind and close your eyes I'll be there for you no...繼續閱讀

【其他】幻想魔伝最遊記Image AlbumVol.1 ムービック"歌詞"


So don't you fear Even thought you're miles away I'm by your side So open up your mind and close your eyes I'll be there for you no...繼續閱讀

【其他】I cry, Just shout it out, See you late 歌詞分享


No matter how far No matter the pain Its not a goodbye. So why not I just say "See you later."...繼續閱讀



雖然我無法明確的知道 如何為我們解決事情 No matter how hard it gets, you have to realize: 但不論它有多困難,你必須了解: We weren't put on this earth to suffer and cry...繼續閱讀

沉默之丘的You're Not Here歌詞


through Soon we will know, if it's for real What we both feel (Spoken:) Though I can't know for sure how things worked out for us No...繼續閱讀

D A Y 6 - E V O L U T I O N


You're coming back no matter what, you hear ?! 丹尼爾:艾雅!無論如何妳都一定要回來! 妳聽到了嗎!? When they have gone, Aya looks towards them......繼續閱讀

D A Y 5 - L I B E R A T I O N-1


She must find Eve no matter what. Eve has dropped to eternal crime ! 艾雅從他身上拿了把鑰匙去搜查這整棟博物館。 無論如何她都必須找到Eve, 現在的Eve,已經掉入永恆的罪惡當中了。...繼續閱讀

【情報】Open Up Your Mind (最遊記TV動畫插曲,感謝「最遊小屋」提供)


alone So don't you fear Even though you're miles away I'm by your side So open up your mind and close your eyes I'll be there for you no...繼續閱讀



No matter where you run to, you can never hide from me!」(我找到你了,Sparda之子!我已說過我記著你那令人作嘔的氣味!無論你走到那裡,我都能找到你的!)...繼續閱讀



No matter where you run to,you can never hide from me! 貝爾渥夫:我找到你了,斯巴達的種!我告訴過你我記得你身上的味道!無論你逃到哪里,都不能在我面前隱身。...繼續閱讀

【心得】異魔中英文劇情 DAY6


You're coming back no matter what, you hear ?! 丹尼爾:艾雅!無論如何妳都一定要回來! 妳聽到了嗎!? When they have gone, Aya looks towards them......繼續閱讀

【心得】異魔中英文劇情 DAY5 (1)


She must find Eve no matter what. Eve has dropped to eternal crime ! 艾雅從他身上拿了把鑰匙去搜查這整棟博物館。 無論如何她都必須找到Eve, 現在的Eve,已經掉入永恆的罪惡當中了。...繼續閱讀



I've noticed that no matter whether they are barbarian lords, deranged wizards, mad scientists or alien invaders, they always seem...繼續閱讀



No matter where you going, there you being, you know? That's why I just sitting back here and relaxing in the jungles....繼續閱讀

【劇情試譯 】闇影2 序幕- 加蓮的報告


But we have to eliminate anything that refuse to be under our control for the fame of the King, no matter the enemy is a monster or...繼續閱讀

【其他】翻譯 -- 韓、美兩地人對收集者回收的意見 Alienated from party?! No, it's not like that [dwarf's role]


No matter how strong you are, if the critical doesn't take effect, it'd be like comparing a normal dagger class damage dealer with...繼續閱讀



words spill from the mouth Of the hero I could chase you night or day Fight you all the way Like a hero And together we stand strong no...繼續閱讀

face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

face我們了解您不想看到廣告的心情⋯ 若您願意支持巴哈姆特永續經營,請將 gamer.com.tw 加入廣告阻擋工具的白名單中,謝謝 !【教學】