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Remedy Entertainment 在今日(10/18)凌晨舉辦的 Xbox 合作夥伴預覽直播中宣布,生存驚悚動作冒險遊戲《心靈殺手 2(Alan Wake 2)》(PS5 / Xbox Series X|S / PC)的第 2 部資料片《湖邊小屋(The Lake House)》確定將於 10 月 22 日推出,由豪華版(實體 / 數位)獨佔。 《湖邊小屋》的故事發生在本篇共同主角薩佳初期故事的同一時間點,玩家將扮演身手剽悍的聯邦控制局特務基蘭‧埃斯泰維茲(Kiran Estevez),探索位於巨釜湖畔的研究中心「湖畔小屋(The Lake House)」。此處曾發生過一起災...繼續閱讀
InterviewsThe following interviews with various citizens of Bright Falls were conducted by Agent Nightingale over the course of three or four days. Nightingale recorded each of the...繼續閱讀
When Nightingale refers to "our boy," it can only be assumed he means Alan Wake. What is not clear is why Nightingale is so afraid of what Wake might do. Although Wake ha...繼續閱讀
When I talk to Sheriff Breaker later, she revealed a different point of view than the one Agent Nightingale expresses here. She believed their relationship was cordial and cooperat...繼續閱讀
Day TwoJohnny law turns out to be Janie law. Sheriff Breaker comes from cop family. Knows diddlysquat usually hostility to feds. Don't know whether to use honey or salt on thi...繼續閱讀
A Friend in Need 25 需要幫忙的朋友 Special 1: Find someone to help you. 找到幫助你的某人 A Friend Indeed 50 真正的朋友 Special 1: Follow the signal to i...繼續閱讀
《心靈殺手2:夜泉》 作為參考眾多都市傳說構築的本作,遊戲過程中皆會接觸那具有傳奇色彩的都市傳說節目〈夜泉〉。 本次的外傳便是以〈夜泉〉的節目做為出發...繼續閱讀